New coronavirus treatment method (approach)
Targeting cytokine storm
We urgently propose the possibility of the following treatments against the coronavirus infection particularly for protecting exacerbation of pneumonia.
The mechanism of action is detailed on another blog.
With the exception of some of the treatments, treatments have been designed to use existing medicines.
[Treatment method (draft)]
1) Administration of ACE inhibitor or angiotensin II receptor antagonist (ARB)
2) Chloroquine administration (Inhibition of liposome enzyme activity by increasing pH in vesicles)
3) Atrial natriuretic peptide (recombinant ANP: carperitide) . CAUTION: ANP has antihypertensive effect.
4) Tetracycline and new quinolone antibacterial agent (Antibacterial agent with metal chelating effect: Calcium-dependent perforin activity suppression is also in view)
I think it is difficult to use (1) and (3) simultaneously. The blood pressure may down too low.
[Note] This article does not guarantee the effectiveness for treatments and does not assume any responsibility for the results of the treatments based on this article.
Please consult with your doctor and carry out your decision.
N.Yamakawa, Ph.D.
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